Grandchild Sells Priceless Family Heirloom Without Asking the Rest of the Family First

Some items are easy to hold onto. If you have a precious ring or other jewelry worth a lot of money, it’s easy to hang onto that for generations to come. All you have to do is give it to the responsible daughter who knows where her possessions are and not to the spacey daughter who couldn’t tell you where her birth certificate was if you put a gun to her head. I wonder if you all can tell which one I am…

On the other hand, there are objects that, while sentimental and valuable, are not easy to keep around. Furniture and musical instruments of the past require a level of maintenance that might not be achievable by the young people inheriting them. One great-grandchild recently came to Reddit with their story of selling their great-grandmother’s vintage grand piano without first asking the rest of their family, and people are roasting them in the thread. 

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