A Carnival of Sideshow Attractions in Meme Form

If Memebase is a carnival, then the memes are the clowns, and I am your carnival barker, standing outside the tent yelling «Tickets to the meme show! We’ve got cat memes and gaming memes and all sorts of relatable content!» We’re here to entertain, after all. 

The best kinds of carnivals are small, low-budget, local ones where you’re not quite sure if the ride on the Tower of Terror might just be your last. My local high school would put one up every summer, and it was the place to see and be seen. I wish I could time travel, though, to the times when the circus was truly shady and unregulated. I bet you would see all sorts of bonkers stuff, just for a nickel. Now, the best you can hope for is the chance to win a dusty Pooh Bear and pay $12 for some elephant ears. But at least we have the internet version right here.

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