Bridezilla treats wedding guest like hired help, forces her to clean Airbnb, blocks her for talking back: ‘I was used and taken advantage of’

There used to be a show called Bridezillas, a very early-aughts trashy reality show that aired on WE, that followed brides-to-be who got a little out of control. They pitched fits, yelled at family members, and were demanding, bratty, and entitled. It was riveting television. There’s something about the archetype of the Bridezilla that we can’t get enough of. We expect women to be docile, demure, and grateful, especially on their wedding day. So when they go against the grain and ask for what they want (sometimes in pretty indefensible ways), we are compelled to watch. Even if much of the drama was surely manufactured, like every reality show from that era (and now). 

But what about Bridezillas in real life? Are they just as fun to watch, or are their reigns of terror too much to bear for the average person? And what happens to those who get caught in the crossfires? One woman learned the hard way and bravely shared her story. Read on for details. 

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