40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

Every time life is spiraling out of control, plant people can’t help but buy another plant. With hundreds of plants in their collection at this point, what’s one more? Although, at what point does a gardening hobby turn into an obsession?  As someone who’s named all of their plant and given them little name tags …
Seguir leyendo 40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

Mom Takes Niece in for a Month, Gets Blamed By SIL When She Likes Her Aunt’s Household Better

Going over to your friend’s house when you’re a kid can be incredibly eye-opening. It’s easy to believe the delusion that all of your buddies have similar relationships with their parents until you get in the car with their mom, and they start saying, «yes ma’am» to everything she says. Or worse, if your friend …
Seguir leyendo Mom Takes Niece in for a Month, Gets Blamed By SIL When She Likes Her Aunt’s Household Better

15+ People Rate The Chores They Hate The Most

There’s no doubt about it, being alive is a dirty business — and I’m not just talking about the memories that keep us awake at night. Dealing with our conscience every day may be bad enough, but on top of that we’re expected to maintain our bodies and living spaces just for the privilege of …
Seguir leyendo 15+ People Rate The Chores They Hate The Most