‘Sorry for the bovine incursion’: Pair of cows stare down English commuter train, conductor has the perfect response

Trains are one of the greatest inventions… ever. Not only are they useful as all get out, but they’re also so magical to ride. Think of all the iconic train scenes from movies. Of course, there’s the Hogwarts train, there’s the iconic train meet-cute in Before Sunrise, and there’s the many iterations of the classic …
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20 Cow Memes for Bovine Appreciators With a Bullish Sense of Humor

As a full time consumer of titillating internet pictures, there have been a few over the years that have really stuck in my mind. One of these is a meme where the starring role is played by a cow.  In this famous image, the creature has walked out ankle deep into the ocean surf. She …
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Magnificent Multitude Of Animal Memes: 16 Silly, Witty And Derpy Memes Featuring Cute And Cool Animals

A long time ago, in the ancient city of Memephis, lived a great and powerful emperor, whose skill with wacky animal comedy had no equal. This great emperor was known as the Memelord, and was worshipped as a semi-divine being. Later, this city would grow, until eventually it became the city-state of Memelandia, the emperor …
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Funniest Farm Animal Memes To Add the Cutest Yee-Haw to Any Rancher’s Day

It’s not easy taking care of farm animals, they’re always causing some sort of adorable chaos. You’re constantly saving some goat’s head that got stuck in a fence. Or a baby calf that got too curious and got lost. Or you have to save some chickens who think the bits of plastic that are starting …
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Midwest Memes For Real Midwesterners

When I was in college in Ohio, so many people wore shirts to football games that read «Ohio Against The World.» At the time, I thought it was pretty funny because I didn’t think it was that dramatic. Is the world really that at odds with Ohio? Now that I’m no longer living in the …
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Image of Cow Wearing VR Headsets Sparks Matrix Jokes & Memes

Last week, journalist @ShujaUH shared a story about a Turkish farmer who fitted his cows with VR headsets to trick them into thinking they were grazing on vast and beautiful pastures. The ridiculous image shows a dairy cow with a VR headset (presumably for humans) strapped over each eye. In 2019, a similar story about …
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Cow Causes Road Chaos, Prompts Jokes And Speculation From Twitter

There are a lot of things you have to be aware of when you’re driving. We all know that the state of the road and other vehicles play a role in how easily we can get from A to B, but we’ve got to factor in an element of the unexpected as well. That said, …
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Creepy Daeodon At The Door Is Giving Memers Nightmares

Despite many memers’ misconceptions, the subject of this particular meme is not a cow, but rather an extinct animal called a Daeodon that lived between 29 and 19 million years ago. Either way, it’s creepy as hell and making for some nightmarish memes. Check out more info and examples at Know Your Meme!

Sixteen Dank Memes Featuring Markiplier Milking A Minecraft Cow

This trending dank meme features YouTuber and gamer Markiplier stumbling upon a cow in Minecraft, saying «I can milk you.» The meme is perfect given current events and corporations’ need to extract every possible penny out of people’s suffering. But before we get too wound up about that, please enjoy the memes and check out …
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