Memes, memes, memes. There are so many out there in the world, and simply not enough hours in the day to take them all in. Wouldn’t it be swell if we were like those people on the spaceship in WALL-E, required to do nothing all day but be pumped up with media and snacks? Allegedly, …
Seguir leyendo A Bevy of Marvelous Memes
Categoría:Forrest Gump
A Sampling Of Delectable Memes For Your Pleasure
It’s nice to participate in the simple pleasures in life once and a while. Sure, these things might not be expensive or high class or highly memorable, but they add a little extra something to your day to make it stand out. So often, our days feel like they’re running together, one day looking practically …
Seguir leyendo A Sampling Of Delectable Memes For Your Pleasure
4 Movie Tropes That Become Certifiably Insane if You Swap Genders
What would happen if movie women approached sex like movie men? What if movie men did rom-coms like movie women? And why the heck don’t we have a gay noir yet!? In this episode of ‘Your Brain On Cracked,’ «Doctor» Jordan Breeding sets out to diagnose just how angry and confused everybody would be. And …
Seguir leyendo 4 Movie Tropes That Become Certifiably Insane if You Swap Genders