Insiders Share ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ About Industries They’ve Worked In

The fact that every industry has its dirty little secrets shouldn’t shock anyone. Whether it’s by blatantly lying to consumers about a product, taking shortcuts, neglecting hygiene, stealing data, or fudging numbers, businesses implement all sorts of shady practices behind the scenes for the sake of profits. Sometimes it’s the employees themselves who develop practices …
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30+ Fascinating Facts That Are Common Knowledge in Certain Fields, but Unknown to Most

When someone works in a specialized field for many years, they’ll end up gaining highly specific knowledge and a unique understanding about how certain things work. While most of the population might live most of their lives believing a common misconception about how things get recycled, a garbage collector somewhere out there is probably tearing …
Seguir leyendo 30+ Fascinating Facts That Are Common Knowledge in Certain Fields, but Unknown to Most

25+ Hilarious Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (August 18, 2023)

Happy Friday, Marvel mavens and superhero sycophants! It’s once again that special, special time of the week when we cap things off with a healthy slew of comic book hero memes. It’s a weird feeling to have been witness to the beginnings of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. First, it makes me feel my age. «Iron …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Hilarious Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (August 18, 2023)

Employees Share Workplace Secrets That Would Terrify People Who Don’t Work in the Industry

Starting to work in a new industry is always an eye-opening experience. No matter how well we think we know the business works, we never truly appreciate what goes into it until we’ve done it ourselves. The front that consumers get presented from all kinds of sectors is frequently a deceptive one, hidden behind layers …
Seguir leyendo Employees Share Workplace Secrets That Would Terrify People Who Don’t Work in the Industry