Employees Share Workplace Secrets That Would Terrify People Who Don’t Work in the Industry

Starting to work in a new industry is always an eye-opening experience. No matter how well we think we know the business works, we never truly appreciate what goes into it until we’ve done it ourselves. The front that consumers get presented from all kinds of sectors is frequently a deceptive one, hidden behind layers of clever marketing. Only the people who hide behind it will ever understand what is really going on.

However, once social media gets involved, these secrets get shamelessly pushed out into the open. It’s always fascinating to see what we’re really buying into, and Twitter is an excellent place for this to be revealed. A recent thread has allowed people who work in many varied roles to show us the crafty ways in which they try to make the most money. Some of these admissions might seem obvious, but others just go to show that we never really know what is happening in the places we can’t see.

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