25+ Anti Memes That Soothe the Brain

I have a very interesting job that requires me to look at memes all day. It’s a wonderful thing most of the time. Hey, we’re all here because we love memes. We laugh at them, we find them relatable, and we share them with our friends. But sometimes the memes are too much with us. …
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20+ Anti Memes to Soothe Your Internet-Addled Brain

The internet moves at the speed of light. Trends live and die faster than the life cycle of a housefly. As soon as you have a grasp on a new meme format, it has already been copied into oblivion. It can be exhausting to keep up with everything, and sometimes you just need something that …
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Amusing Anti Memes for Overly Literal Meme Lovers

Ever since the first cat said LOL on the internet, memes have only got more complicated. They come in a lot more formats than the humble Impact font image macro, and can be stacked with so many layers of irony and niche references that it’s hard to understand them after a triple take.  A lot …
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“When I’m In A Competition” Memes That Know The Pain Of An Unfair Fight

Ever since we struggled through the process of natural selection to end up sitting on our butts in front of a computer all day, humans have been a competitive species. There are thousands of games, sports, and random contests out there all dedicated to one singular pursuit: winning. Sure, there are all the dumb rules …
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20 Comically Literal Memes That Hurt the Bones

When making a meme, it’s best not to try too hard. The more you try and say something deep about society, the more you’re likely to end up posting cringe. The lunatics over at r/bonehurtingjuice take an entirely different approach. They take popular meme formats and cartoons and misuse them on purpose, resulting in hilariously …
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22 Bone-Hurting Memes That Are Absurdly Literal

According to r/bonehurtingjuice, a meme must intentionally misuse its format in order to qualify as a ‘bone hurting juice’ meme.  It’s pretty easy to make one of these memes—one must simply remove the joke, metaphor or original meaning and instead turn the image into a hilariously literal scene. We’ve collected some of our favorite gems …
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52 Vintage Memes & Rage Comics From The Old Meme Archive

Greetings, internet friends. We thought we’d take you on a little journey through meme history via @OldMemeArchive, our favorite repository of blursed relics of the internet. If you’re old enough to remember the time of Rage Comics, Bad Luck Brian, Scumbag Steve and SomethingAwful.com, then you might feel a little nostalgic scrolling through these ancient …
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‘X in the Y, What Will He Do?’ Memes Are Our Favorite Kind Of Shipost

Smart memes are great. We respect them. We consume them. We aspire to make them. But there will always be a special place in our hearts for any meme that is incredibly dumb or pointless. A shitpost, if you will. ‘X in the Y, What Will He Do?’ memes are basically the epitome of this. …
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