“When I’m In A Competition” Memes That Know The Pain Of An Unfair Fight

Ever since we struggled through the process of natural selection to end up sitting on our butts in front of a computer all day, humans have been a competitive species. There are thousands of games, sports, and random contests out there all dedicated to one singular pursuit: winning. Sure, there are all the dumb rules and strategies that have to be deployed before that, but what most of us are in it for is the sheer adrenaline rush.

However, we wouldn’t get there without the struggle first. Behind every hard-won battle is the looming threat of being a loser. Part of what makes competing so great is that you’re beating out other people in the first place, but that doesn’t always happen. In fact, sometimes you get outperformed so badly that there’s no coming back from it.

The unique horror of realizing that you don’t have a fighting chance has been immortalized in the «When I’m In A Competition» meme. Sometimes, we have to know when to admit defeat, and this is a pretty funny and self-aware way of doing it.


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