As humans we are constantly being told what is bad for us. Don’t drink this. Don’t eat that. We all know that smoking causes lung cancer, and that fatty and processed foods are nearly poisonous to your body. Drugs? Fuhgeddabout it. We talk a lot less about the stuff that seems completely harmless but could …
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Mes:julio 2022
Goofy Examples of Animals in Places They Aren’t Supposed to Be
What is it with the animal kingdom and getting into hijinks that they shouldn’t? From seagulls stealing sandwiches to moose in elementary schools, it seems that creatures great and small just can’t help themselves when it comes to interfering with the everyday life of humans. Perhaps they’re just curious, or confused about why we do …
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A Helping of Food Memes to Fill Empty Stomachs
Out of all the things that we need to keep ourselves alive, food has to be one of the most enjoyable ones. Unless you’re some kind of yogi master, there are only so many ways that you can breathe, and no matter how many La Croix flavors they pump out every year, the only thing …
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Stark and Important Reminders That Instagram is Not Reality
Ever scroll through Instagram for so long that your soul starts to fill with dread? You’re not alone. Facebook’s extensive internal research showed that Instagram makes body image issues worse for one in three teenage girls. In September, the Wall Street Journal reported on Facebook’s research and the data lays bare what we all knew …
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Computer Science Memes For STEM Kings
I don’t know if this is said enough, so I’m just going to flat out say it; Being a programmer is a huge accomplishment. Sure, the general population praises those pursuing STEM fields during their high school and college years, but what about after they manifest their dreams of becoming programmers? Programmers and IT specialists …
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Leo Memes For The Astrologically Inclined
We are officially in the thick of Leo season, and it feels so good. This time of year is accompanied by many things: record high temperatures, corny back-to-school advertisements, and of course, the celebrated births of those who emerged from their mother’s womb between July 22nd to August 23rd. In celebration of this exciting month, …
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Classical Orchestra Plays Music Festival, Receives Rapturous Response
For music lovers and/or full time degenerates everywhere, festivals are often the highlight of the yearly calendar. After a couple of years where the opportunity to get wasted and listen to tunes in a field with thousands of other people was cruelly taken away from us, they have become even more important to those who …
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A Showing of Cringe to Cause Secondhand Embarrassment
As the old saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. By the same token, one man’s cool is another man’s cringe. As a socially created thing, embarrassment is a matter of perspective. What might make another person recoil in horror might just be what we consider a normal way to be living life. …
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A Mess of Memes That Aren’t the Worst
If one thing is true about the folks here at Memebase, it’s that we are firm believers in the fact that people shouldn’t need to feel guilty when you want to look at memes or mess around on their phones. Life is short and often thankless experience. We are worked to the bone and then …
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A Goodie Bag of Random Memes
Those of us who have spent a lot of time using and abusing memes have a tendency to be very critical of them. We’ve seen this one before, that one is irredeemably cringe (in the bad way), and sheesh, whoever made the one over here deserves jail time. Everywhere we look in this abominable sinkhole …
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