Some of the Worst Tweets Of All Time In 1 Painful Thread

We often highlight some of the funniest jokes that Twitter has to offer for those who normally wouldn’t go near the bird website with a ten-foot pole. But it would be a lie to portray Twitter as anything other than a cesspool of horrific takes and the sort of cringe that can only come from …
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Twitter Reacts to M&Ms Retiring Iconic Mascot Spokescandies

The M&Ms marketing department has been a tough gig for a while now. No matter what they do, the humanized candies that have been the face of their brand for a lifetime just don’t seem to be hitting like they used to. In fact, they seem to be actively generating bad publicity. No Rule 34 …
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Some of the Worst Tweets Of All Time In One Painful Thread

We often highlight some of the funniest jokes that Twitter has to offer for those who normally wouldn’t go near the bird website with a ten-foot pole. But it would be a lie to portray Twitter as anything other than a cesspool of horrific takes and the sort of cringe that can only come from …
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Some of the Worst Tweets Of All Time, Presented in One Painful Thread

We often highlight some of the funniest jokes that Twitter has to offer for those who normally wouldn’t go near the bird website with a ten-foot pole. But it would be a lie to portray Twitter as anything other than a cesspool of horrific takes and the sort of cringe that can only come from …
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Cracker Barrel Triggers Meat-Lovers of Facebook With Their New Impossible Sausage

Picture this: It’s August 2022. As the world continues to struggle with a pandemic, and the United States is facing a scary recession, Americans seem to have gained some much-needed perspective. Instead of jumping at the opportunity to go full Karen at the drop of the hat, people are taking deep breaths, and learning not …
Seguir leyendo Cracker Barrel Triggers Meat-Lovers of Facebook With Their New Impossible Sausage

Some of the Worst Tweets Of All Time, Compiled In One Painful Thread

We often highlight some of the funniest jokes that Twitter has to offer for those who normally wouldn’t go near the bird website with a ten-foot pole. But it would be a lie to portray Twitter as anything other than a cesspool of horrific takes and the sort of cringe that can only come from …
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Some of the Worst Tweets Ever, Compiled Into One Painful Thread

We often highlight some of the funniest jokes that Twitter has to offer for those who normally wouldn’t go near the bird website with a ten-foot pole. But it would be a lie to portray Twitter as anything other than a cesspool of horrific takes and the sort of cringe that can only come from …
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People React to the Green M&M’s New Look With Crass Jokes & Memes

They de-yassified the notoriously slutty green M&M and people are not having it. Last week, Mars. Inc announced their «global commitment to creating a world where everyone feels they belong and society is inclusive.» To prove this commitment, the candy behemoth plans on refreshing the looks and personalities of their M&M mascots, which includes taking …
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SJW Accuses Kellogg’s Strike Supporters of Ableism, Gets Roasted and Meme’d

Workers of the world aren’t just uniting—they’re going viral. In August, the Nabisco workers strike took the Twitter spotlight when Danny DeVito mysteriously lost his Twitter verification after expressing support for the strike. On Monday, IATSE voted to authorize a nationwide strike after hundreds of entertainment industry workers shared their stories on an Instagram page …
Seguir leyendo SJW Accuses Kellogg’s Strike Supporters of Ableism, Gets Roasted and Meme’d

Some of the Worst Tweets of All Time Compiled Into One Painful Thread

We often highlight some of the funniest jokes that Twitter has to offer for those who normally wouldn’t go near the bird website with a ten-foot pole. But it would be a lie to portray Twitter as anything other than a cesspool of horrific takes and the sort of cringe that can only come from …
Seguir leyendo Some of the Worst Tweets of All Time Compiled Into One Painful Thread