Clueless American Tourists Split Opinion After Driving Through Pedestrianized German Plaza

If the social media outrages of this past summer have taught us anything, it is that it’s rarely a good sign to see the words ‘American’, ‘European’, and ‘vacation’ in the same sentence. Nonetheless, many people that hail from the land of the free seem to love nothing more than an extended vacation in Western …
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25 Hilarious Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (July 26, 2023)

Dogs are man’s best friend? Not quite, dogs are everybody’s best friend. If you’re not one of those weird cat people, you can probably admit you have an affinity for dogs; however slight it may be. Maybe you don’t want to have your own dog, but you’d at least pet a dog if it was …
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‘We as Americans need to address our allergic reaction to walking’: U.S. Tourist Goes to Italy’s Amalfi Coast, Gets Roasted for Complaining About Traveling There

Only about 37% of Americans have a passport. In 2023, it seems like most of these privileged few are flaunting the benefits of it on TikTok. For You pages get inundated with travelogues and recommendations at this time of year, and none seem to be more popular than mainland Europe. It’s not hard to see …
Seguir leyendo ‘We as Americans need to address our allergic reaction to walking’: U.S. Tourist Goes to Italy’s Amalfi Coast, Gets Roasted for Complaining About Traveling There

Girlfriend Forces Her Boyfriend to Walk the Dog at 3 AM, Can’t Understand Why That’s an Unreasonable Request

It’s important to split chores evenly with your partner. That’s simple when it comes to stationary things, like washing dishes, cleaning the toilet, or sweeping the floor, but when you have to take care of a living being, things get more complicated. Animals require around-the-clock care. You have to feed them twice a day and …
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Venture Capitalist Roasted For Whining Over Cost of 4-Block Uber to Olive Garden

Once upon a time, before Uber, before cell phones, and before the Internet, people used to walk places. At least that’s what we hear. As a city-dweller who doesn’t own (and can’t drive) a car, and someone who is perpetually late, I’ve taken my fair share of stressed-out Ubers. But I draw the line at …
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Car Hater Shares Practice of «Hostile Pedestrianism», Sparking Mixed Reactions

More and more, the internet is warming up to an argument in favor of more walkable, less car-centric towns and cities that have better public transport. If you think about it, it is kind of insane that such a high proportion of the U.S. is not able to visit the grocery store, or go to …
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Dude Explains Why the U.S. Needs More Walkable Cities

By this point, we all know that we live in a society. But do we live in a community? Many of us live lives that revolve around our house, our workplace, and maybe a bar or restaurant at the weekend, but little else. Modern life can be quite isolating, if we really think about it.  …
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Twitter Users Argue Whether 23 Minutes Is A Long Time To Walk

Depending on age, mobility level, and price range, many of us have a whole host of transportation options open to us these days. In fact, all of these can be so convenient that we forget about the most important mode of transport: our own two feet.  Walking is not only the cheapest way to get …
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People Argue Over The Longest Possible Route You Could Walk Across Earth

It’s hard to conceptualize in our tiny little brains just how vast Earth and all of its land is. If you’ve ever been on a long distance flight and watched the tiny plane on the screen inch its way across oceans and borders, you’ll know just how strange it feels. In most cases, it is …
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