25+ Thanksgiving Memes for Eating Too Much and Giving Thanks (2024)

This year, I’m thankful for the fact that I wasn’t born into a «Turkey Trot» family. I admire those families, but heck if there isn’t anything I’d like to do less than run a 5k on a day when I’m supposed to just be eating a ton of mac and cheese. I was, however, born …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Thanksgiving Memes for Eating Too Much and Giving Thanks (2024)

25 Funny Thanksgiving Memes to Enjoy Along With the Turkey Today

Well, we’re finally here! Today we get the reward for making it through approximately two thirds of November (a bleak and unforgiving month if ever there was one, at least in the Northern Hemisphere). All that delicious food that we’ve been anticipating is on its way into our stomachs, and all the problem relatives are …
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25 Friendsgiving Memes for Hungry Homies Riding the Gravy Train Every Night During Thanksgiving Week

There’s two types of Thanksgiving celebrations out there. One is a family roast where aunties and cousins gather to eat a bird and question each other’s life choices. The other is a riotous gluttony-fest where best friends get together, nearly burning the house down after hotboxing the living room and drinking a case of wine. …
Seguir leyendo 25 Friendsgiving Memes for Hungry Homies Riding the Gravy Train Every Night During Thanksgiving Week

29 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (November 20, 2023) (THANKSGIVING EDITION)

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and whether you have a big family, a small family, or a family of your own making, you can already hear that dinner bell ringing. Turkey day has a way of bringing families together. For some, their togetherness is just locational and since we’re all in the same room, …
Seguir leyendo 29 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (November 20, 2023) (THANKSGIVING EDITION)

Thanksgiving Edition: The Best Nostalgia Memes of the Week for Any Hungry and Yearning Millennial (November 24, 2022)

Thanksgiving is underrated, but you know who appreciated it? The ’90s! Think about it—every popular show at the time always had a Thanksgiving special. Friends, Hey Arnold!, Seinfeld, The Rugrats, and so many more! It was a time to stuff your face and sit at the kids’s table while the adults talked about stuff that …
Seguir leyendo Thanksgiving Edition: The Best Nostalgia Memes of the Week for Any Hungry and Yearning Millennial (November 24, 2022)

Funniest Thanksgiving Memes for Folks Who Might Just Start Some Shiz With Their Family This Week (November 23, 2022)

Family gatherings can be tough sometimes as an adult. Everyone has different political opinions, nobody really approves of anyones life choices, and there’s always a new baby with p00py diapers that their parent is trying to pawn off on everybody else. Don’t even get me started on 5k families… Can we all just chill and …
Seguir leyendo Funniest Thanksgiving Memes for Folks Who Might Just Start Some Shiz With Their Family This Week (November 23, 2022)

Dankest Thanksgiving Memes for Stoners Who Can’t Wait to Walk Around the Block With Their Cool Cousins (November 21, 2022)

In states where the Devil’s Lettuce is legal, stoners everywhere unite on their favorite holiday of the year: Thanksgiving. Everyone who’s ever smoked has probably considered the benefits of a holiday completely dedicated to eating a ridiculous amount of food. The danger is that when the munchies take control, there’s no stopping you. Get out …
Seguir leyendo Dankest Thanksgiving Memes for Stoners Who Can’t Wait to Walk Around the Block With Their Cool Cousins (November 21, 2022)

Best Thanksgiving Clapback Memes for People Who Are Ready for Beef on Turkey Day in 2022

‘Family’ means something different for everybody. For some people, family gatherings are loving affairs where everyone is nice and does their own dishes, but for most normal families, gatherings are a war zone and there is no battlefield bigger than Thanksgiving Day. Every third Thursday of the year, people get together to share food, spend …
Seguir leyendo Best Thanksgiving Clapback Memes for People Who Are Ready for Beef on Turkey Day in 2022

15 Cynical Thanksgiving Memes That’ll Give You A Break From All The Family Drama

Thanksgiving can be really great – you’ve got all of that delicious food and all of your family all in one place. However, sometimes the family situation can be a little much; you love ‘em but they all love to bring up the fact that you’re almost 30 and still not married, or that one …
Seguir leyendo 15 Cynical Thanksgiving Memes That’ll Give You A Break From All The Family Drama