As a college student, taking out loans is a part of the game. When you’re able to score a merit or need-based scholarship, though, that’s where the real jackpot is! When a university hands out financial aid packages, some students might notice they’re getting some extra cash that could be used toward living expenses and …
Seguir leyendo 18-year-old woman refuses to share extra $20k in scholarship cash with her boyfriend and his mother, sparking a rift between them: ‘I’m losing my mind here’
Categoría:relationship feud
Woman ends relationship with iPad-obsessed boyfriend after he spends her grandmother’s 80th birthday celebration glued to the device: ‘I snapped’
We’re living in the age of cutting-edge technology. Millions of pieces of information are at our fingertips and our brains are in need of constant stimulation to keep us engaged and entertained. The upside of all of this is that our learning capabilities are infinite—any question can be answered with a quick and simple Google …
Seguir leyendo Woman ends relationship with iPad-obsessed boyfriend after he spends her grandmother’s 80th birthday celebration glued to the device: ‘I snapped’
Husband secretly gambles away his family’s life savings and is at risk of loan delinquency, wife wants out to do right by their child: ‘I feel like a single parent already’
We never want to think our partners are hiding something drastic from us—especially when their quick decisions affect us and those we care about. These decisions can range from them picking up chocolate ice cream (even though you’re allergic), to taking all the money you’ve saved together and gambling it away in hopes they’ll double …
Seguir leyendo Husband secretly gambles away his family’s life savings and is at risk of loan delinquency, wife wants out to do right by their child: ‘I feel like a single parent already’
Woman Misses Vacation After Airport Blunder, Leading Friend Group to Deny Refund and Spark a Rift Among Friends
One of the most significant relationships in a person’s life is friends. They stick by your side no matter what. So, what would you do if you discovered that you would need to spend three times as much for a much-needed vacation as you had originally budgeted due to your friend’s careless error? The story …
Seguir leyendo Woman Misses Vacation After Airport Blunder, Leading Friend Group to Deny Refund and Spark a Rift Among Friends