It’s also an accurate image of me waking up evvery day.
Mes:diciembre 2019
It’s truly a conundrum.
Barcelona Activa impulsa el autoliderazgo de mujeres profesionales
La agencia que ofrece apoyo a proyectos empresariales coordina Lidera, una plataforma para acompañar a mujeres emprendedoras, directivas y profesionales.
¿Por qué los niños no se fían de los asistentes virtuales?
Distintos estudios corroboran que los más jóvenes depositan antes su confianza en sus padres y profesores que en lo que puedan contarles Alexa o Siri.
Wholesome Stuff To Help End 2019 On A Positive Note
As 2019 comes to a close we find ourselves dwelling on the things that went wrong, and the ways we let ourselves and others down. Being self aware is definitely important, but it’s also imperative that we not beat ourselves up. It’s important to look back on all the good things that happened this year, …
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Terrific Tweets To Mindlessly Scroll Through
We’ve mastered a lot of things. Opening wine bottles. Throwing keys into their receptacle as we enter the door. Annoying the people we love. One thing we haven’t mastered is the art of tweeting. For some reason it’s near impossible to deliver a quip that’s punchy, funny, clever and relatable. These people don’t have this …
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Fifteen New Years Memes To Mark The End Of The Decade
Holy sh*t you guys, the 2010s are just about over! Now make way for New Years resolutions and short-term gym-goers. It feels like just yesterday we were all laughing hysterically at Keyboard Cat and Pepe. Can you even imagine what the memes of the ’20s are going to be like? We can’t wait to see.
Forty-Four Memes That Are Dumb Yet Entertaining
Happy New Years Eve! If you clicked here then let’s be real, you probably don’t have any party plans whatsoever, so why not ring in the new year with a fresh batch of memes?
Piel de tomate y grafeno para generar electricidad con el calor corporal
Investigadores de la Universidad de Málaga y el Instituto Italiano de los Materiales desarrollan una camiseta que produce un pequeño voltaje gracias al efecto Seebeck
Fifty Dumb Memes For When There’s Nothing Better To Do
Memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes