33 Memes for Sagittarius Cuties in Their Birthday Season

The air is crisp, the leaves are falling, and we’re making our holiday wishlists, so it must be Sagittarius season. Often symbolized by the centaur, half logical human and half wild animal, the two powerful forces collide in this fiery sign. Sag season is all about action– getting things done, taking names, and fulfilling your …
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Leo Memes For Astrology Fans Born Between July 22 and August 23

Leo season is almost over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still celebrate it! Even if you’re one of those people who think they’re too good for astrology, we can break it down to its most bare-bones symbolism. If you’re a Leo, you’re a lion, and that’s pretty darn cool! I’m a Libra, and our …
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A Gift of Memes for December Birthdays Who Get Their Spotlight Stolen by the Holidays Every Year

First of all, happy birthday!! December is a rough time to have a birthday. You have SO many different events overshadowing your time to shine. You have Hanukkah, Kwanza, New Years Eve, and, of course, the biggest marketing success of all, Christmas. It’s so unfair. People start celebrating Christmas in November the second the last …
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Astrology Memes For Amateur Astrologists

It’s been one whole week since we’ve been taken out of Mercury in retrograde, and I am so relieved. I feel so much better than I did before, and I don’t even know why. I really shouldn’t pretend to be an astrology expert when I fully am not one, but I can’t help it! It’s …
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Astrology Memes to Celebrate the End of Mercury in Retrograde

The glorious and long-awaited day is finally here: October 2nd marks the end of this horrifying era we call Mercury in Retrograde. The rains of frogs and plagues of locusts have finally left town, and peace is here once again.  Mercury in Retrograde is bad, but it isn’t all bad. Hopefully, during these past couple …
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Libra Memes For Libra Season

The time has finally come: Libra season is here. As a lifelong Libra, I should know a great deal about this zodiac sign that I should be able to spring on to those not lucky enough to be born between September 22nd and October 23rd. Unfortunately, I come to you largely empty-handed. I am not …
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Astrology Memes To Round Out Virgo Season

If we’re being honest, astrology is hated by so many people because women love it. That’s it! That’s the only reason. It’s such a joke because there’s nothing so harmful or irrational in believing in any aspect of astrology. Everyone believes in things that are not completely rational or supported by hard evidence, and if …
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The Best Astrology Memes of the Week (August 21, 2022)

The best thing about horoscopes is that you get a new one every day. I remember when I was a kid, I woke up early to eat breakfast, watch Full House, and read the newspaper with my dad. I would always go to the funnies section for compelling reruns of Peanuts and less-than-good iterations of …
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Dog Breeds as Zodiac Signs For Astrological Animal Lovers

Have you ever wondered what dog breed best represents your astrological sign? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Dogs and zodiac signs are an interesting mix because if you got your dog from the shelter, you likely don’t know their sign. You have to decide just by vibes whether your rottweiler is an Aquarius …
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Zodiac Memes For The Heat Of Leo Season

It’s that astrological time of the week once again! Your day of rest is the perfect time to contemplate your place in the galaxy. Why not spend 6 hours staring at the wall and wondering what the stars have in store for you this week? What could go wrong? This week we are still in …
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