‘Learn how to make salad dressing’: Self-improvers reveal best ways to change your life for the better in under 24 hours

Many of the steps towards lasting happiness are small ones that are done with regularity. However, the difficulty with this can be knowing where to start. The options can seem overwhelming, but at the same time, it can be easier than it looks. This was the premise of a recent Twitter thread, in which it …
Seguir leyendo ‘Learn how to make salad dressing’: Self-improvers reveal best ways to change your life for the better in under 24 hours

‘[As] long as you are breathing, you can pivot’: Commenters share inspiring stories about changing careers later in life

Making a change can be terrifying. We’re creatures of habit. A lot of us like to keep things on a pretty even keel most of the time, the same breakfast, the same friends, the same career. Change can also be terribly exciting. The idea of walking away from everything and starting over is thrilling. We …
Seguir leyendo ‘[As] long as you are breathing, you can pivot’: Commenters share inspiring stories about changing careers later in life

30 Witty Higher Self Memes for Women Healing Their Chakras with Crystals & Tarot Cards

Greetings, ladies! If you clicked on this listicle, chance is you’re going through a life-transforming event that may or may not have flipped your entire world around. Whether it’s a breakup, divorce, or any other change – just know, you’ve made it safely to CheezCake – your safe space for all things humor and femininity.  …
Seguir leyendo 30 Witty Higher Self Memes for Women Healing Their Chakras with Crystals & Tarot Cards

Dramatic Character Arcs It’s Hard to See Coming

The Mamas & The Papas once told us that nothing is quite as sure as change. This isn’t just true, it can be hard to realize how quickly that this sometimes happens. While we all hold certain opinions and ideas about ourselves, sometimes it all takes is a split second, or a short conversation, for …
Seguir leyendo Dramatic Character Arcs It’s Hard to See Coming