Classical Studies Memes For All the Former Percy Jackson Kids

Everyone obsessed with classical studies has that obsession because of some gateway drug they latched onto when they were young. You might’ve had a big book of ancient history when you were young, or maybe your family told you the story of Orion’s belt and the Big and Little Dippers. If you are a member …
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20+ Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (February 6, 2023)

One of the fastest-known ways to distribute serotonin around the world is through memes. They have been around for a hot second, and over the course of time, they have become an empire — devoted to humor. There are many categories, one of them being ‘classical art memes’. See, art and humor mix together like …
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Classical Studies Memes For Former Percy Jackson Kids

Everyone obsessed with classical studies has that obsession because of some gateway drug they latched onto when they were young. You might’ve had a big book of ancient history when you were young, or maybe your family told you the story of Orion’s belt and the Big and Little Dippers. If you are a member …
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21 Funniest Philosophy Memes for the High Thinking Intellectuals

The term ‘philosophy’ literally means ‘love of wisdom’. Most people think about a lot of the fundamental questions that philosophers ask. But they don’t necessarily do it with an intense thirst for the answer. That is what differentiates people who are into philosophy, and those who are not. For example, I’m sure a lot of you …
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Twenty-Five Philosophy Memes For The Scholars Of Life

Thinking about «arguing,» even if it’s intellectual arguing, is giving us some PTSD flashbacks to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. In a few days, however, your nerves will settle and we’ll all be able to enjoy the finer things in life again. Unnecessary debates included. So whether you think the chicken came before the egg, …
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Philosophical Memes For The Deep Thinkers

What is the meaning of life? We don’t have a f*cking clue. But these memes are for anyone who likes to ponder the why instead of just complaining. Whether you studiedPhilosophyin college (and are now jobless and penniless) or consider yourself an intellectual, these memeswill probably resonate with most of you. And hopefully will leave …
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