34 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (December 4, 2023)

What does it mean to be a nerd? A word that used to be bandied about with malice has now been proudly reclaimed by many. What used to be an insult is now a way to wear your interests with pride. Miriam Webster defines the word as «a person devoted to intellectual, academic, or technical pursuits or interests.» …
Seguir leyendo 34 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (December 4, 2023)

Funniest Thor Memes That Love Him as a Superhero but Find ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ Questionable

Marvel universe fans are torn on Thor: Love and Thunder. They updated the weird CGI floating head and even rearranged some things on the timeline—but was it for good or not? Some say the new CGI looks worse, and others are very upset by the new timeline. Fans of the Thor franchise in general are …
Seguir leyendo Funniest Thor Memes That Love Him as a Superhero but Find ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ Questionable