Male Karen criticizes eclipse-heads for flying to Little Rock to watch the eclipse, gets schooled on the natural beauty of the earth: ‘Experiencing a rare cosmic phenomenon is important’

I’m sure there are a lot of people reading this who wish they could’ve seen the recent solar eclipse in full. There’s only a small strip of the United States that’s part of the line of totality, and the people who live there are lucky ducks. But we live in a super post-industrial age! It’s …
Seguir leyendo Male Karen criticizes eclipse-heads for flying to Little Rock to watch the eclipse, gets schooled on the natural beauty of the earth: ‘Experiencing a rare cosmic phenomenon is important’

20+ Silty Soil Memes for Mulchpilled Sisters of the Loam

Gardeners, dirt enjoyers, and people brainwashed by an absurd TikTok trend involving cute dogs and voice AI, rejoice! Today is a very special event. That’s right, we are here to celebrate World Soil Day. Good old fashioned dirt might be humble, but we all have a lot to thank it for. It is what grows …
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40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

Every time life is spiraling out of control, plant people can’t help but buy another plant. With hundreds of plants in their collection at this point, what’s one more? Although, at what point does a gardening hobby turn into an obsession?  As someone who’s named all of their plant and given them little name tags …
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21 Significant Science Memes for Passionate Fans of the Field

Scientists have it rough in this modern society. Well, they’ve never really had it easy. It’s just that now, more than ever, they are facing pushback from the uninformed masses. Now, I’m no scientist, but I can’t possibly fathom how frustrating it would be to have valid scientific data constantly decried. I just don’t have …
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35 Congenial Memes to Make the Weekend

Greetings, web denizens. We come in peace with an offering of top-quality memes! We can’t say the same about the aliens. There’s a lot to process with this recent news of human contact with extraterrestrials. The concept of aliens reaching our planet is both fear-inducing and exciting. If these aliens are anything like the human …
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People Discuss Long Standing Covid-19 Effects That Have Yet to Recover

Do you guys remember that one thing that happened a few years back that fundamentally changed societies across the entire globe? Yeah, the first year of Covid-19 was pretty crazy. We’re lucky that the passage of time has made the Coronavirus much less of the dominant, oppositional presence in our lives, but don’t forget it …
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Darkly Comedic Epitaphs to Think About

Have you ever had an existential crisis in your life? One time, maybe, you thought about the fact that you won’t always be here, and that freaked you out. Well, that’s being a human, buddy. At some point, in some place, in one way or another, we’ll pass on through this earthly realm. It’s incredibly …
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Science Memes For Aspiring Magic School Bus Riders

Millennials grew up during the golden age of scientific programming for kids. Shows like Bill Nye the Science Guy and The Magic School Bus dominated the TV market and really got everybody riled up about the fun parts of science. Who could forget the classic episode of The Magic School Bus when Miss Frizzle shrinks …
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People Argue Over The Longest Possible Route You Could Walk Across Earth

It’s hard to conceptualize in our tiny little brains just how vast Earth and all of its land is. If you’ve ever been on a long distance flight and watched the tiny plane on the screen inch its way across oceans and borders, you’ll know just how strange it feels. In most cases, it is …
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Entertaining Thread Contemplates The Wonders Of Evolution

If there’s one thing that most of us can broadly agree on, it’s that the world is a very complex and beautiful place. It can be hard to appreciate just how mind-blowing all its natural resources and creatures are, unless we’ve spent enough time in the company of the Discovery Channel. One of the most …
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