Also, Bernie is a meme again.
Categoría:bernie sanders memes
Bernie Sanders Accidentally Becomes a Meme (Again) After Waltzing Through Someone’s Cringey TikTok Video
He really is the most relatable politician
70 Best Memes Of Bernie Sanders Sitting At The Inauguration
Yesterday we covered the explosion of memes on Twitter inspired by images of Bernie Sanders sitting down at the inauguration. Since then, the internet has not stopped producing Bernie memes and so we thought it would be appropriate to do a follow-up collection of all the best memes that have popped up in the last …
Seguir leyendo 70 Best Memes Of Bernie Sanders Sitting At The Inauguration
Best Twitter Reactions To Bernie Sanders’ Iconic Inauguration Look
As you may have heard, today the 46th President of the United States was sworn into office. Sure, Joe Biden won the presidency, but Bernie Sanders won the internet today when he showed up in his iconic Burton winter jacket, a standard blue surgical mask, and huge woolen mittens made from recycled materials. In a …
Seguir leyendo Best Twitter Reactions To Bernie Sanders’ Iconic Inauguration Look
Are cats actually bottomless pits or do they have bodily amnesia that makes them forget they’ve eaten?
Bernie Sanders’ Victory Speech Inspires Vince McMahon-Style Reaction Memes
You’re probably kind of sick of hearing about the 2020 Iowa Democratic Caucus disaster, but we’re happy to report that some good did come out of the debacle. While it took forever to determine that Bernie Sanders was the winner, his overdue victory speech spawned a ton of Vince McMahon-style multi-panel reaction images. Some of them …
Seguir leyendo Bernie Sanders’ Victory Speech Inspires Vince McMahon-Style Reaction Memes
He coulda been a contender.
Once Again
Why is this me every time I meet someone?
Please, Mom.
Those Scholastic book fairs gave us LIFE.
Twenty-Nine Amusing Memes Because You’re Worth It
We shouldn’t just be rewarded for big accomplishments. Here at Memebase, we think people should be rewarded for the little and thankless things we tackle every day. Did you answer the phone when your mom called? You deserve a pat on the back. Pick up coffee for your coworker who annoys the sh*t out of …
Seguir leyendo Twenty-Nine Amusing Memes Because You’re Worth It