28 Beard Memes for Beardies Celebrating World Beard Day

A beard is a powerful thing. It can save you from a weak chin. It can make you feel like a lumberjack or perhaps some sort of Viking. It can give your food crumbs a gentle place to land that isn’t the floor. It can give you something for which to buy various creams, oils, …
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Cringeposts and Memes From and About Messed-Up Neckbeards

Ah, «neckbeards.» What’s in a name? While the term, at its most literal, refers to dudes whose facial hair seems to gravitate toward the neck and chin, the meaning has shifted over the years. Nowadays, «neckbeard» refers to unsavory dudes you might come across on the internet who are really into stuff like gaming, anime, …
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Cringe Pics Filled With Palpable Regret

Think your friends hate you and that you’re a total weirdo? Feel like you’ve made a lot of bad decisions? Well, these cringey people might help to put things into perspective. Their wince-worthy posts and behavior may go down in history as some of the cringiest of all time. Which, honestly, is more memorialization than we …
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Cringey ‘Nice Guys’ Who Revealed Their Toxic Entitlement

There’s been a lot of talk about incels and ‘nice guys‘ over the past few years, and it is absolutely for good reason. It’s not just some venddetta against men. You see, there really are dudes out there who fervently believe they’re entitled to the affection of women just because they treat them with a …
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20 Impressively Specific Starter Pack Memes

There are relatable memes in this world, and then there are starter packs. They’re kind of like relatable memes on steroids, because they’re not based on a feeling, they’re based on real people and cultural trends that we’re all very, very familiar with. Though almost all starter pack memes are incredibly specific, some of them …
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20 Cringey Neckbeard Moments That Reek of Misogyny

It’s easy to joke about neckbeards if you spend any time on the internet. The fedora-tipping «m’lady» business might seem well-meaning, but it’s often laced with some seriously misogynistic and incel-esque behavior. Meme accounts like @neckbeardfancy and subreddits like  r/justneckbeardthings provide ample proof of these patterns. And while they’re incredibly cringey and unpleasant, we cannot …
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Creepy & Cringey Instances of Textual Roleplay

Many women have been subjected to creepy dms from total strangers. But only some women (or men, who knows) have had the distinct displeasure of receiving correspondence from a person who is hell bent on roleplaying. Maybe they think it’s cute. Maybe they think it will stir up the recipients imagination. But more often than …
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20+ Times Creepy DMs Went Amusingly Wrong

As long as social media has existed, women have been the unwilling recipients of cringey, creepy solicitations, and more recently – graphic, unwanted imagery. And as new messaging sites and apps are becoming popular, the messages are multiplying. Fortunately many women are not afraid to SHUT. IT. DOWN. These are their stories. 

Regrettable Cringeworthy Moments That Cannot Be Undone

The internet is full of cringe. Bronies. Neckbeards. Nice Guys. Gaslighting, gatekeeping girlbosses. Karens. Everywhere you turn, there’s evidence that humans are by far the cringiest species on the planet. And why do we actively seek examples of this depravity? Why must we look? It’s not unlike the despicable urge to rubberneck at an accident. …
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24 Times Creepy DMs Went Amusingly Wrong

As long as social media has existed, women have been the unwilling recipients of cringey, creepy solicitations, and more recently – graphic, unwanted imagery. And as new messaging sites and apps are becoming popular, the messages are multiplying. Fortunately many women are not afraid to SHUT. IT. DOWN. These are their stories.