15+ Amusing Posts That Are Technically the Truth

Communication is super complicated. Most of us do it every day, so we don’t think about it that much. However, what we often forget is that the way we speak with other people operates on so many levels of implication and cultural expectations. It is almost always vulnerable to misinterpretation, whether by accident or on …
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Technically True Occurrences That Thwart Expectations

In real life, one of the most unattractive traits a person can have is being a smartass. Oh, you’re yet again doing a slightly wittier variation on something that boils down to, «Hi hungry, I’m dad»? Let me stop for the applause. However, for some reason this annoyingness doesn’t translate so much when we’re on …
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Witty Wisecracks That Are Technically the Truth

It takes a skilled comment section clown to make an offhanded remark that simultaneously infuriates and tickles the person reading it. For example, the infamous troll account @Osvaldocar12, whose posts and replies are often featured on r/technicallythetruth for wreaking havoc on Twitter by stating the painfully obvious. If you dig this sort of humor, we’ve …
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Mildly Infuriating Posts That Are Technically Not Wrong

It’s easy to be correct and even easier to be wrong. But it takes true talent and wit to be correct in the wrong way. The only kid I really remember from first grade was a magnificent smart-ass named Jimmy. He always had the most annoying kind of wrong right answer, which infuriated teachers. If …
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Funny & Mildly Infuriating Posts That Are Technically Not Wrong

It’s easy to be correct and even easier to be wrong. But it takes true talent and wit to be correct in the wrong way. The only kid I really remember from first grade was a magnificent smart-ass named Jimmy. He always had the most annoying kind of wrong right answer, which infuriated teachers. If …
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Funny Posts That Are Technically (And Annoyingly) True

Ever see a meme or post that might not be brilliant, but definitely rings true? r/technicallythetruth is freakin’ full of them. So here are a bunch of memes, tweets, and shitposts we can’t argue with. If you need more of these decidedly un-groundbreaking nuggets, you can find ‘em at the subreddit or right here.

Technically True Memes & Jokes That We Really Can’t Argue With

Ever see a meme or post that might not be brilliant, but is extremely hard to argue with? Well, r/technicallythetruth is filled to the brim with this very specific type of joke. The subreddit is home to clever comebacks, groanworthy puns and quips from people who might be too clever for their own good. While …
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15+ Funny Posts That Are Technically True

Ever see a meme or post that might not be brilliant, but definitely rings true? r/technicallythetruth is freakin’ full of them. So here are a bunch of memes, tweets, and shitposts we can’t argue with. If you need more of these decidedly un-groundbreaking nuggets, you can find ‘em at the subreddit or right here.

30+ Witty Wisecracks That Are Technically the Truth

It takes a skilled comment section clown to make an offhanded remark that simultaneously infuriates and tickles the person reading it. For example, the infamous troll account @Osvaldocar12, whose posts and replies are often featured on r/technicallythetruth for wreaking havoc on Twitter by stating the painfully obvious. If you dig this sort of humor, we’ve …
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Things That Sound Wrong But Are Technically True

If you think that the truth is important, whether in proving a point or making a joke funny, we have the perfect thing for you: a whole new batch of memes from r/technicallythetruth. And just like Homer Simpson famously once said, they are funny because they’re true. Have a look at last week’s memes for …
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