‘I will take a child over a literal animal in a food establishment any day’: Childless millennial sparks controversy praising kid free, dog friendly pub

We’ve all heard the sage advice to never work with children or animals, but what about spending our leisure time around them? Nothing riles up a significant minority of the happily petless and/or childless like having to share an environment with either against their will. This has led many hospitality establishments to make the inclusion …
Seguir leyendo ‘I will take a child over a literal animal in a food establishment any day’: Childless millennial sparks controversy praising kid free, dog friendly pub

Wholesome American Delights British People With Appreciation of Pub Culture

Brits and Americans might be famous for having a special relationship, but that adjective doesn’t always have positive connotations. In fact, social media would make it seem like the two nationalities have very little in common at all. If one recent argument about Chinese takeout is to go by, many people aren’t interested in accepting …
Seguir leyendo Wholesome American Delights British People With Appreciation of Pub Culture