Wholesome American Delights British People With Appreciation of Pub Culture

Brits and Americans might be famous for having a special relationship, but that adjective doesn’t always have positive connotations. In fact, social media would make it seem like the two nationalities have very little in common at all. If one recent argument about Chinese takeout is to go by, many people aren’t interested in accepting our differences, either. In the grand scheme of English-speaking cultures, the UK and the US are chalk and cheese — so it’s nice to see somebody try and appreciate one of their cultural quirks from the opposite perspective. 

Recently, one LA native did exactly that, as he shared something that had been a pleasant surprise while visiting the UK. He spoke about British peoples’ habit of going to the pub, buying crisps, and sharing them by opening the bag into a makeshift plate. The comments were filled with Brits who were charmed by his observation, as well as a few who claimed that they only did it out of politeness. The British Isles takes its potato-based foods very seriously. 

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