27 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (December 22, 2023) (CHRISTMAS EDITION)

When festive folks think of the holiday season, they imagine cozy nights with their families, holiday office parties, and countless Christmas-themed parties. For introverts all they associate with the holidays is the desperate need to recharge their social battery with no relief. Introverted people need 2-5 business weeks between heavy social events and the 1 …
Seguir leyendo 27 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (December 22, 2023) (CHRISTMAS EDITION)

A Stocking Full of 32 Tinsel-Covered Holiday Memes to Decompress the Christmas Stress

We have 10 days until Christmas, y’all.  If you haven’t had a minor panic attack yet this holiday season, that last sentence might be the thing that pushes you over the edge. It’s the busiest time of the year for mom’s pretending to be Santa Claus and for friends dashing around town trying to find …
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20 Festive Christmas Tree Memes to Deck the Halls With

I believe that you can tell a lot about how someone lives their life by judging how they choose to decorate their Christmas tree. If they go for something classy and minimalist, they’re probably quite image conscious; tacky and laden with tinsel, they’re the sentimental, traditionalist type. Those that put up several joke decorations believe …
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Funniest Christmas Decoration Memes That are Purely Ornamental

While Halloween might give it some stiff competition, Christmas is a great time for those out there who like to get flamboyant with their décor. All that tinsel and those sparkly lights make it the perfect point in the year for people to satisfy their inner magpie, and excuse it as celebrating Jesus to boot. …
Seguir leyendo Funniest Christmas Decoration Memes That are Purely Ornamental