We aren’t particularly subversive here on this base for memes. We want to give you all a lot of wholesome memes you can share in the family groupchat without causing a minor catastrophe. We understand that while memes are a way to express edgy political opinions for some, most of us want to see funny …
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Categoría:dark memes
Funniest Halloween Memes for Spooky Season Enjoyers (October 7, 2023)
There are many reasons that Halloween obsessives designate October 31st as their favorite holiday, but I think one of the most pervasive ones is that it’s just plain silly. While it’s true that this is the peak time for horror movies and ghost stories, these are balanced out with the beautiful ridiculousness of it all. …
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20+ Dark Memes For Brooding Sad Boys And Earnest Halloween Lovers
Happy fall y’all! I know that autumn doesn’t technically begin until September 23rd, but the kids are back in school, and I’m ready for summer to be over. I know that many people get bummed out when it gets a little colder outside, but frankly, I do not care. I need it to be 50 …
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20 Comical Tweets for Anxious Overthinkers Who Laugh Away Their Problems
They always say that laughter is the best medicine. Well, if you’re chronically anxious, there’s probably something a little stronger out there for you than laughter, but comic relief will do in a pinch. Sometimes, when the chips are down and you’re awake at 3AM remembering every cringe thing you ever did in elementary school, …
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Funniest Sad Boi Memes For Cool Emos Who Laugh Away The Pain
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but being depressed is now very in fashion. Never has sadness been more popular and widely accepted. Everybody’s emo now! It’s no longer considered alternative to be unironically boo-hoo about every nuisance in your life. In fact, go paint your nails black and throw on a hoodie. We’re all …
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Funniest Anxiety Memes for People Who Randomly Wake Up At 2AM and are Stressed Out
Have you ever been enjoying a nice sunny afternoon and thought to yourself, «Wow, nothing could ruin this moment». Then naturally, with the occurrence of that thought, your brain goes into overdrive of all the ways that this moment could be and will be ruined. Spiraling anxiety takes over and welp, peace was nice while …
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Depression Memes To Fight The Summertime Sadness
If you logged onto Tumblr for the first time as a tween without knowing what depression was, you certainly weren’t going to log off without learning. If you weren’t a teenager on Tumblr in the early 2010s, it’s difficult even to describe how insane the content was regarding depression and mental health issues. It was …
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Sad Memes for Anybody Feeling the Blues
It might be hard to believe when you’re in the pits of despair, but we all feel down occasionally. It doesn’t matter if something bad has happened, or our brain just feels like screwing us over, it’s never fun to realize that you could be sliding into depression. What we don’t talk about enough with …
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Sesame Street Memes That Put a New Spin On Childhood Nostalgia
When it comes to kid’s television, there are few shows more iconic than Sesame Street. Ever since it first visited our screens over fifty years ago, children and adults alike have been enamoured with its ability to teach, entertain and invest us in the lives of weird-looking puppets. Naturally, with great cultural impact comes a …
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Chaotic Cat Memes That Are Both Silly And Sad
As internet culture gets ever more convoluted, it’s easy to pine for the simpler times of online entertainment. Case in point is the classic LOLCat, a benchmark for memes that we’ll always be thankful for changing the game. Their lust for cheeseburgers and grammatically incorrect witticisms is something that will stay with us forever, but …
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