School superintendent docks teacher’s pay after she took 1 day off to get married before a 3 day weekend: ‘My principal didn’t care and approved my PTO’

PTO can be such a contentious issue in already contentious workplaces. If your company is functioning well, an employee should be able to take off whatever days in the year that they please with the paid time off they’ve earned. If they’ve earned a 2-week vacation and take a 2-week vacation, the company should not …
Seguir leyendo School superintendent docks teacher’s pay after she took 1 day off to get married before a 3 day weekend: ‘My principal didn’t care and approved my PTO’

‘[Meanwhile] I was struggling’: Preferential parents go bankrupt to fund the Golden Child’s frivolous lifestyle, begging the eldest sibling for a loan, which is promptly refused

If you grew up as the ‘easy child’ you may be entitled to compensation… Just kidding, the only compensation an easy kid ever gets is the satisfaction of knowing they did everything themselves. Growing up as a self-sufficient sibling, you know that parents will always focus more energy on the complicated child.  Yeah, yeah, I …
Seguir leyendo ‘[Meanwhile] I was struggling’: Preferential parents go bankrupt to fund the Golden Child’s frivolous lifestyle, begging the eldest sibling for a loan, which is promptly refused

Egotistical father squanders his underaged son’s inheritance from grandma, years later, the son gives him an ultimatum to pay back the $250,000 in exchange for a relationship with his grandkids: ‘It’s restitution’

Sometimes I wish I had rich grandparents, but there are times when an inheritance only makes family matters more complicated–especially when your dad is an egotistical man-child. It feels topsyturvy to become more mature than your parents. When we’re young, we automatically look to them for guidance and wisdom, once we’ve lived a life of …
Seguir leyendo Egotistical father squanders his underaged son’s inheritance from grandma, years later, the son gives him an ultimatum to pay back the $250,000 in exchange for a relationship with his grandkids: ‘It’s restitution’

Vegan party host orders 4 vegan pizzas, forces his friends to pay for it because he apparently wasn’t hungry: ‘We aren’t going to pay because we didn’t order, didn’t enjoy it’

There is an art and science to hosting a party. If you cook a meal for your friends, you’ll probably have to pay for ingredients you wouldn’t usually buy. You might operate at a loss, but the joy of providing a hot dish to your closest companions is well worth the price of Whole Foods’s …
Seguir leyendo Vegan party host orders 4 vegan pizzas, forces his friends to pay for it because he apparently wasn’t hungry: ‘We aren’t going to pay because we didn’t order, didn’t enjoy it’

‘They think I don’t need the money’: Babysitter Gets Short-Changed by Cheap Parents After They Find Out She Drives a Nice Car

If you went to the gas station and tried to give the cashier $1 for a gallon of gas, they’d probably laugh at you and send you packing. We learn from an early age that goods and services cost money, but somehow, once entitled parents spawn an expensive baby, normalities don’t apply to them anymore. …
Seguir leyendo ‘They think I don’t need the money’: Babysitter Gets Short-Changed by Cheap Parents After They Find Out She Drives a Nice Car

‘Get bent lady’: Choosing beggar offers $3.09/hour for babysitters to watch her toddler, gets zilch in return

Childcare is expensive. Anyone with a kiddo or who has contemplated having children knows that there’s only one cheap/free option when it comes to childcare–begging your parents to watch the little sprout. If the grandparents are happy to spend some quality time with their grand-baby, you may be in luck, but if you’re looking for …
Seguir leyendo ‘Get bent lady’: Choosing beggar offers $3.09/hour for babysitters to watch her toddler, gets zilch in return

‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

When I went through high school, we didn’t have Home Economics as a required class. Apparently, kitchen etiquette, doing your taxes, and keeping the house under control weren’t things that the public school system still valued, so lo-and-behold, an entire generation went without baking cakes for a final grade. However, the Gen X woman in …
Seguir leyendo ‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

«Oh I can’t, it’s raining» is a great excuse used by lazy people the world over. Sure, there are some instances in which rain does halt the activity you were planning to do. Outdoor sports… that’s understandable. A pleasant stroll in the park? Probably not so pleasant under a torrential downpour. Painting your fence? Yeah, …
Seguir leyendo ‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

Worker making $15 an hour gets doubly overpaid, earning $30 per hour: ‘What would you guys do?’

If you were getting paid for a job you quit months ago, would you tell anybody? Everyone likes to think of themselves as a Frank Abagnale Jr.-type figure who can scam their way out of anything without getting caught for years and years, but I’m not so sure about that. Most of us are not …
Seguir leyendo Worker making $15 an hour gets doubly overpaid, earning $30 per hour: ‘What would you guys do?’

‘Hedge fund managers’: The most useless and overpaid jobs, according to Reddit

If we’re being honest, many of the jobs that exist in society today aren’t exactly essential to the functioning of the human race. They could disappear tomorrow and the world wouldn’t end. However, some of these roles are given more unwarranted status and compensation than others. Your average entry-level spreadsheet position isn’t exactly going to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Hedge fund managers’: The most useless and overpaid jobs, according to Reddit