Boss Threatens to Fire Employee for Posting Hourly Wage, Employee Immediately Quits

Trying to obtain the bare minimum required to live is a near-impossible task when you’re below the line of poverty. Unfortunately, there are way, way too many jobs that are happy and more than willing to pay you next to nothing. As is the case with many of these sorts of positions, these jobs are menial, mind-numbingly boring, and managed by cruel individuals. 

The subject of today’s story was a worker at a grocery store deli, earning only 12.5 dollars per painstaking hour. As most of us would in a less than enjoyable situation, the employee aired their grievances to friends on Facebook. Essentially, they just stated how their low hourly wage made surviving as a single mother unfeasible. Although they just revealed objective information, the status got back to the boss at the grocery store, who promptly threatened the employee with termination. Whether or not you think they made the right call, you have to admit they really stuck it to their boss by quitting on the spot. While the boss has asked a number of times for the employee to come back to the store, talk it over, and help train a replacement, it doesn’t look like they’re going to budge.

The employee really showed their boss that actions do have consequences. Even if you’re in a position of power. Let’s look at how other people on the internet are reacting to this whole event.                     

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