Guess we’re all adults then, aye? Who’d have thought we’d get this far… especially when you think about the stupid stuff we did back in the day. For example, playing with fireworks, meeting strangers from Omegle, and of course the dangerous pranks we’d play on one another in school. To be fair, there are also …
Seguir leyendo Funny Batch of Relatable Tweets for the Spiraling Millennials Who Still Deny Adulthood
Memes for People Who Definitely Cannot Party Like They Used To, but Are Happily in Denial
Remember the days back in college when we used to be able to party until 3-4 am and then the next morning we would just wake up thirsty with a minor headache? Yeah, those days are long gone. Nowadays it seems that we need a full week’s recovery after one night of going out. Does …
Seguir leyendo Memes for People Who Definitely Cannot Party Like They Used To, but Are Happily in Denial