26 Relatable Memes For People Who Remember the Frazzled Feeling of Forgetting to Study in High School or College

There’s a reason one of the most universal nightmares among mankind revolves around test anxiety. Showing up unprepared for a test is a scary experience. This is something people can still relate to well beyond graduating from high school and college. It might even get a bit worse when you reach adulthood and show up …
Seguir leyendo 26 Relatable Memes For People Who Remember the Frazzled Feeling of Forgetting to Study in High School or College

Funniest Broke Memes for Poor Folks Who Would Rather Spend Their Savings on Treating Themselves vs. Paying Their Bills

It’s funny how spending money can be both cathartic and also insanely stressful at the same time. For anyone who’s ever been broke before, the dichotomy is a delicate balance that almost nobody has mastered. When it’s payday, your high-spending alter ego somehow takes the reins of your waking brain, spending all of the money …
Seguir leyendo Funniest Broke Memes for Poor Folks Who Would Rather Spend Their Savings on Treating Themselves vs. Paying Their Bills

Anxious Memes For Anyone Who Just Can’t Stop Worrying

Everyone deals with stress sometimes, but if you find yourself constantly worrying about seemingly minor things, then congratulations because you may have some sort of anxiety disorder. Of course, we don’t want to pretend we have the qualifications to diagnose anyone, so if you feel like you’re struggling, go see a therapist!

Eighteen College Memes For Those End-Of-Semester Blues

If you’re a college student then you’re probably *this* close to finishing out the semester right before the holidays. It might seem really far away, but amidst the stress of studying for final exams, just keep in mind that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We believe in you.

College Memes For The Student Who Should Be Studying

College students who are reading this: wherever you’re at in the school year – whether it’s finals, midterms, or anything in between, we hope that these college-y memes find you well. And at the end of the day, just remember that nothing really matters anyway because you’ll never find a job with that useless degree …
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