Suggestive Images Curated by People Who Definitely Knew

It’s amazing what the human brain can infer from just a few simple cues. It can think that an inanimate object looks like it has a face, and make ridiculous comparisons between entirely unrelated concepts that somehow make perfect sense. Perhaps the funniest way in which our minds work (if we’re corrupted enough) is where …
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Suspicious Instances Where People Definitely Knew What They Were Doing

An awful lot of being alive involves reading between the lines. People don’t always say exactly what they mean, and events don’t always happen like we expect them to. Also, there are a lot of examples out there of things that could be pretty crass, depending on how you look at it. Often the subtext …
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Did They Know: Hidden Innuendos That Are Questionably Intentional

I’m no conspiracy theorist, but hidden sexual content has always been pervasive in society. Whether we like it or not, one of the top things humans are programmed to do is have sex, so naturally, it will come up in places we might not expect. Who among us didn’t have a friend whose weirdly protective …
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Religious Mom Gifts Innuendo-Laden Christmas Ornament

There’s nothing that brings out the festive spirit quite like decorating a Christmas tree. Big or small, real or fake; the only thing that matters is that it’s adorned with decorations that bring cheer to the house and look good with presents underneath. If you’re religiously inclined, it’s probably also a good idea to throw …
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Cringey Designs That Should Have Been Given More Thought

We love laughing at cringey design fails, but some of these are so wild we can’t help but assume that people lost their jobs over them. From extreme (and accidental) sexual innuendoto terrible word placement, these fails are pretty much guaranteed to get a reaction out of you. And might even pique your curiosity.