It seems as though an increasing number of adults in the United States are recognizing that their struggles with focus, task completion, and interpersonal interactions may have been caused by ADHD. Everyone gets sidetracked occasionally, especially when the internet relentlessly attacks your attention span, but attention deficit and hyperactivity can be totally crippling on a completely different level. …
Seguir leyendo Memes and Tweets For Anyone Living With ADHD
Memes & Tweets That Capture Both the Humor & Hard Truths of Living With ADHD
It seems as though an increasing number of adults in the United States are recognizing that their struggles with focus, task completion, and interpersonal interactions may have been caused by ADHD. Everyone gets sidetracked occasionally, especially when the internet relentlessly attacks your attention span, but attention deficit and hyperactivity can be totally crippling on a completely different level. …
Seguir leyendo Memes & Tweets That Capture Both the Humor & Hard Truths of Living With ADHD
A Lazy Susan of Tasty Meme Morsels
Diets suck. I should know – I recently embarked on a weight loss journey with the help of a little thing called ‘Weight Watchers.’ Now that every food is ascribed points I’ve almost lost the taste for it. A bit of butter: 6 points. A wee cup of rice: 6 points. Cheese? Don’t even think …
Seguir leyendo A Lazy Susan of Tasty Meme Morsels
Memes and Tweets That Capture the Humor and Hard Truths of Living With ADHD
It seems as though an increasing number of adults in the United States are recognizing that their struggles with focus, task completion, and interpersonal interactions may have been caused by ADHD. Everyone gets sidetracked occasionally, especially when the internet relentlessly attacks your attention span, but attention deficit and hyperactivity can be totally crippling on a completely different level. …
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ADHD Memes For the Woefully Afflicted
These memes are pretty damn specific, but we know that anyone with ADHD will truly relate to them. Having either disorder means way more than not being able to focus. They can affect everything from your mood (anxiety, depression) to your spatial awareness. It’s not a fun affliction, but at least these relatable memes really …
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26 ADHD Memes & Tweets For Hyperactive Brains
Whether your ADHD turns any task into a monstrous struggle, or you’re pretty neurotypical but you’ve got a loved one who shows all the symptoms, anyone who really understands ADHD will find these memes hilariously relatable. Maybe you even ended up here through a series of rapid distractions. Hopefully you’ll be able to hyper-focus on …
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ADHD Memes That Speak The Truth
October is ADHD Awareness Month, and to commemorate that with which we struggle, we’re serving up some intensely relatable memes.There’s a lot more toADHDthan being fidgety and impulsive. The disorder comes with the pain of forgetfulness, constant distractions, mood swings, and a whole lot of frustration. While these memes won’t cure those ails, it certainly …
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Fourteen ADHD Memes You Can Hyper-focus On
If you have ADHD, then you’ll understand the struggle of trying to stay focused on a boring task. We curated these memes just for you, and we hope they’re entertaining enough to keep you focused! Check out even more here!
Relatable ADHD Memes For The Afflicted And In-The-Know
Maybe you were diagnosed with ADHD when you were five. Maybe your boyfriend has it. Either way, the fairly common Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder can be a royal pain in the ass. But you know what we do when faced with such pains? We try to laugh at ‘em. Hopefully these ADHD-related posts will garner …
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Twenty-Six ADHD Memes For The Easily Distracted
If you’ve got ADHD, then you’ll know how hard it is to stay focused on just one damn thing at a time – especially when that thing is incredibly boring. We hope that these memes about having ADHD are funny enough to keep you focused for at least a few minutes!