So, what is «lawn care» like?
A Bunch of Neat ‘Middle Class Fancy’ Memes for Mild-Mannered Normies
If treating the ol’ ball and chain to a surprise Tuesday night happy hour at Chili’s sounds like your idea of an exhilarating evening, then you’ll definitely get a kick out of our favorite purveyor of suburban normie culture, @middleclassfancy. Or maybe you’ve got more than a few family members whose diets are conspicuously mayonnaise-based …
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30 Middle Class Memes For Lighthearted Suburbanites
Do you take pleasure in converting old doors into coffee tables or old coffee tables into pallets? Do you spend a lot of time carefully crafting email responses? Does grabbing a beer or two at the local Chili’s after a Sunday at Home Depot sound appealing to you? If you answered yes to any of …
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