Before the internet, the only way you would possess information was if someone you knew told it to you, or you read it in a book somewhere. It was hard to fact-check something, so you generally accepted what your parents/elders told you, no matter how valid it actually was. Community knowledge is important. We lean …
Seguir leyendo ‘We only use 10% of our brain’: 20+ Old wives tales that folks still believe
Categoría:Fake Science
Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey
Information is ever-evolving. That’s why there are new editions of textbooks, up-to-date encyclopedias, and good folks working tirelessly to constantly update Wikipedia pages (I’m NOT looking at you, Wiki-vandals). We’re always learning new things, observing new phenomena, and doing new research. They used to teach that Pluto was a planet. I’m still salty about that …
Seguir leyendo Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey
Science Memes For Aspiring Magic School Bus Riders
Millennials grew up during the golden age of scientific programming for kids. Shows like Bill Nye the Science Guy and The Magic School Bus dominated the TV market and really got everybody riled up about the fun parts of science. Who could forget the classic episode of The Magic School Bus when Miss Frizzle shrinks …
Seguir leyendo Science Memes For Aspiring Magic School Bus Riders