‘Perpetual teenagers. How boring’: Twitter users argue over Seth Rogen explaining why he doesn’t have kids

There are few more seismic choices in life than whether or not you choose to have children, and as a result, it’s rarely a topic that people can be balanced and normal about. There are plenty of entitled parents out there who become completely insufferable when anybody has the gall to say they don’t want …
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‘It’s called NEET’: Childfree Redditor gets roasted for identifying as a ‘No income, no kids’ NINK

We all make different choices in life, and so long as we’re not hurting anyone that is all well and good. At the same time, not all of these are worth broadcasting to the world at any available opportunity. Perhaps one of these days, we will get to the point where deciding to be child-free …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s called NEET’: Childfree Redditor gets roasted for identifying as a ‘No income, no kids’ NINK

‘You want a my child free wedding’: Bride throws child-free wedding, deliberately excluding her 17-year-old niece, the only ‘child’ in the family

I understand the appeal of a child-free wedding. After all, wedding ceremonies require the spectators to sit still and shut up, and wedding receptions usually have a lot of drunk people staying up late. Kids can’t always handle either of those situations, and sometimes it’s best to be better safe than sorry.  There isn’t always …
Seguir leyendo ‘You want a my child free wedding’: Bride throws child-free wedding, deliberately excluding her 17-year-old niece, the only ‘child’ in the family

‘I cannot bring children into a world like this’: Couple of 8 years breaks up because they never discussed whether they wanted kids

Asking the person you’re dating whether they want kids can be daunting, especially if you’re both super young. I can tell you that I was not asking my high school sweetheart whether they wished to have kids with me. I could barely plan a date beyond eating a scrumptious meal at Raising Cane’s! As you …
Seguir leyendo ‘I cannot bring children into a world like this’: Couple of 8 years breaks up because they never discussed whether they wanted kids

‘I have more money for my dogs’: Childless couples over 40 discuss if they regret not having kids

The decision to have kids or not is an incredibly personal one, but that doesn’t stop people from acting like it’s their business. Child-havers love to hound the happily childfree, pressuring them into making the same decision they did. What those people fail to realize (and this is a tough one), is that you never …
Seguir leyendo ‘I have more money for my dogs’: Childless couples over 40 discuss if they regret not having kids

Childfree Woman Slams Mom Friend for Expecting ‘The Village’ to Provide Free Babysitting

The opinions that people hold on parenting encompass an entire spectrum of beliefs. However, the one thing that pretty much everyone can agree on is that moms and dads hold the primary responsibility for their own kids. It goes without saying that this is difficult, and every parent is going to need a little help …
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Judgmental Dad Receives Clapbacks For Complaining Childfree People Don’t Realize How Much Free Time They Have

There are a lot of things about the idea of parenthood that scare me, and one of those is how the concept of time changes. I’ve heard enough accounts from parents to realize that having babies and little kids takes up 99% of your day, sometimes to the extent you can barely fit in a …
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Childfree Woman Gets Advised by Redditors on What to Say to Her New Parent Friends

I don’t know quite how it’s happened, but I’m yet to have anybody in my social circle have a kid. If you’d asked me a decade ago, I’d probably have been certain that I would be on speaking terms with at least one person who had a baby. I feel that it’s unlikely for me …
Seguir leyendo Childfree Woman Gets Advised by Redditors on What to Say to Her New Parent Friends

20 Amusing Childfree Memes for Adults With Happily Childless Lives

For as long as most of us can remember, the trajectory of ‘growing up’ has been as follows. We finish school, maybe go to college afterwards, then get on the career ladder. After that, we get married to our forever person, buy a house, and pop out 2.4 kids. There are several steps in this …
Seguir leyendo 20 Amusing Childfree Memes for Adults With Happily Childless Lives