20 Amusing Childfree Memes for Adults With Happily Childless Lives

For as long as most of us can remember, the trajectory of ‘growing up’ has been as follows. We finish school, maybe go to college afterwards, then get on the career ladder. After that, we get married to our forever person, buy a house, and pop out 2.4 kids.

There are several steps in this process that can produce a lot of stress, debt, and unhappiness. Arguably, having children is the worst for all of these downsides. Raising an entire person or several is a massive commitment, and one that you have to opt into for the rest of your life. It’s no wonder that an increasing number of millennials and Gen Z want nothing to do with making babies.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop society from pressuring most of us to start families. If only they were so concerned about supporting people when they actually have kids! Those who choose to be childfree don’t usually regret their choice, but others like to act as if they will. That’s why the individuals who don’t have kids have no choice but to make memes about it.

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