Unschooling mom enrolls 7-year-old son who’s still in diapers in 1st grade, is convinced he’ll be too smart for the class: ‘She wants to email the teacher ideas because 1st grade curriculum is too simple’

It’s always kind of funny when a parent thinks that their kid is a genius. I don’t really think there’s any real harm done in thinking your kid is going to Harvard because they rolled over a month before babies typically do so. It’s something that most parents grow out of by the time their …
Seguir leyendo Unschooling mom enrolls 7-year-old son who’s still in diapers in 1st grade, is convinced he’ll be too smart for the class: ‘She wants to email the teacher ideas because 1st grade curriculum is too simple’

School principal tries to enroll 6-year-old student into a different school because her parents bought a house that they’re renovating in a different town: ‘We are still living with our in-laws and it is well withing the school boundary’

Some people will do whatever it takes to ensure their child gets a good education. When I was growing up in the Dallas-Forth Worth area, I knew so many kids who lied about their address to get into the legendary performing arts high school, Booker T. Washington High School of the Performing and Visual Arts. …
Seguir leyendo School principal tries to enroll 6-year-old student into a different school because her parents bought a house that they’re renovating in a different town: ‘We are still living with our in-laws and it is well withing the school boundary’

16-year-old gives candy to the 3 students who were listening to her in-class presentation, gets harassed for candy by the kids who were on their phones the whole time: ‘The teacher told us we could give out candy’

There’s something so uniquely humiliating about giving a class presentation in high school. If you’re underprepared, you look like an idiot and get a lousy grade. If you’re overprepared, you seem like a high-strung overachiever. You have to strike this perfect balance of being both knowledgeable and unattached to the material, which is incredibly difficult …
Seguir leyendo 16-year-old gives candy to the 3 students who were listening to her in-class presentation, gets harassed for candy by the kids who were on their phones the whole time: ‘The teacher told us we could give out candy’

22 Student Memes to Help You Haha Your Way Through Finals Week (December 5, 2024)

The dreaded week has come… it’s time to get your head in the game! All of those weekends partying and tossing around a football on the quad have come back with a vengeance. Yep, it’s finals week. For all of the college alumni reading this, you know how it goes. Many nights will be spent …
Seguir leyendo 22 Student Memes to Help You Haha Your Way Through Finals Week (December 5, 2024)

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a «Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List» after they sneakily pull her 8-year-old daughter out of ‘unladylike’ classes and modify her diet

When it comes to a parent’s child, it’s in everyone’s best interest not to mess with them. In most cases, the parent knows how to raise their child and what works for their family dynamic. Even if another family member disagrees with their parenting style, it’s not up to them to change it without their …
Seguir leyendo Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a «Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List» after they sneakily pull her 8-year-old daughter out of ‘unladylike’ classes and modify her diet

22 Student Memes to Help You Haha Your Way Through Thanksgiving Break (November 28, 2024)

Finally, students have a breath of fresh air while they’re visiting home for Thanksgiving break. Even though it only lasts a few days, a little rest is all any burnt-out student needs to get them back on track. There’s nothing that a giant turkey leg and some stuffing can’t fix, especially after eating school lunch …
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26 Student Memes to Help You Haha Your Way Through Morning Lecture (November 21, 2024)

It’s almost time, y’all. The assignments are coming in non-stop and students everywhere are trying to make last-ditch efforts to raise their GPAs this semester. All those weekends partying and yapping up a storm with your best friends were worth it, but at what cost? Though Thanksgiving break is only a week away, the following …
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25 Student Memes to Help You Laugh Your Way Through Morning Lecture (November 14, 2024)

Rise and shine, studious students and slackers alike! Class is now in session and we’ve got a lot to go over. In Meme 101, you’ll expect that 100% of your final grade will be counting on one thing: How much you laugh at the memes we’ve got cookin’! Final exams are just around the corner, …
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20 Student Memes to Help You Laugh Your Way Through Morning Lecture (November 7, 2024)

Hello students! It’s time for a class on hilarious memes. What goes on in this class, you might ask? You look at the funniest of the funny on the internet and learn about why it’s so funny to laugh at yourself going through a tough time. The reason for this is likely because we as …
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A Textbook Full of 23 Law Student Memes That Are Almost Illegally Funny

Law school is no joke. Whether you’re studying tax law, corporate law, criminal law, or literally anything else, students internationally all struggle with the terror that is 1L. In your first year, you’ll notice that cold calling is the norm and you’re likely reading 300+ pages of information from your Tort Law textbook. Why do …
Seguir leyendo A Textbook Full of 23 Law Student Memes That Are Almost Illegally Funny