When faced with annoying hidden fees lurking in the «terms of service» section of every account contract, most people will just begrudgingly pay the damn $50 and move on with their lives. But a small percentage of impressively spiteful people refuse to let them win. u/fredsam25 is just one example of the sort of person …
Seguir leyendo Stubborn Dude Makes Hobby Out of Refusing to Pay Account Closure Fee
Stubborn Guy Makes Hobby Out of Refusing to Pay Account Closure Fee
When faced with annoying hidden fees lurking in the «terms of service» section of every account contract, most people will just begrudgingly pay the damn $50 and move on with their lives. But a small percentage of impressively spiteful people refuse to let them win. u/fredsam25 is just one example of the sort of person …
Seguir leyendo Stubborn Guy Makes Hobby Out of Refusing to Pay Account Closure Fee