Lovers argue whether experiencing your first heartbreak at 17 or 30 is more destabilizing: ‘Imagine going through your first breakup and you have to join a Teams meeting’

Nobody likes being broken up with. It is a bad situation for everyone involved, but sometimes it has to be done. If you’ve never been broken up with or been the person who has had to cut it off, you’re a lucky duck, at least for now.  Not to be the bad guy, but I’ve …
Seguir leyendo Lovers argue whether experiencing your first heartbreak at 17 or 30 is more destabilizing: ‘Imagine going through your first breakup and you have to join a Teams meeting’

‘It’s easier having 1 person to take care of instead of 2’: Couple divorces after lazy dad refuses to help wife at home, gets 50/50 custody and she soars while he sinks

If you’re old enough to have a kid, you shouldn’t need somebody to tell you to take the trash out. Equitable distribution of housework within families is a hot-button issue that people discuss online with much frequency but with very little nuance. So many trad individuals like to say that since husbands work, the wife …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s easier having 1 person to take care of instead of 2’: Couple divorces after lazy dad refuses to help wife at home, gets 50/50 custody and she soars while he sinks

‘I cannot bring children into a world like this’: Couple of 8 years breaks up because they never discussed whether they wanted kids

Asking the person you’re dating whether they want kids can be daunting, especially if you’re both super young. I can tell you that I was not asking my high school sweetheart whether they wished to have kids with me. I could barely plan a date beyond eating a scrumptious meal at Raising Cane’s! As you …
Seguir leyendo ‘I cannot bring children into a world like this’: Couple of 8 years breaks up because they never discussed whether they wanted kids

33 Friends Memes for Pals Sipping Coffee at Central Perk

I woke up in the mood for some nostalgia. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the beloved show ‘Friends’, and therefore, I’ll assume, require no introduction. However, to err on the side of caution, I’ll acknowledge those who have yet to watch the entire ten seasons of ‘Friends’, and say, I’m not mad, but simply …
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Couple Clones Dog For $50K, Can’t Decide Who Should Take The Clone When They Break Up

I’m just going to start this off by saying I love dogs. I got my first dog, Toby, when I was nine years old, and he was the absolute love of my life. While I wish with all my heart that I could see his scruffy face again, I am at peace with letting him …
Seguir leyendo Couple Clones Dog For $50K, Can’t Decide Who Should Take The Clone When They Break Up

People Share The Moment They Realized They Married The Wrong Person

Marriage isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. It’s magical and wonderful if you’re with the right person, but it can be devastating if you make the wrong choice. The crazy thing about it is you can rarely gauge whether someone will be a good husband or wife before you’re married. There are married …
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23 ‘Trust Issues’ Memes for Women Navigating the Dating Scene With Their Wall Up

Oh, trust issues. When you’ve been dating around for as long as we have, you learn a thing or two when it comes to trust. Or better yet, you develop trust issues. At one point or another, we’ve all been there – fully open and in love, thinking this will last forever. And then out …
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Woman Leaves Boyfriend After Violent Outburst During the Tubi Super Bowl Commercial

The Tubi commercial was probably one of the most talked about commercials during this year’s Super Bowl. For those who don’t know, Tubi is a streaming service that costs no money. Tubi’s commercial tried to fake out viewers by making it look like someone had clicked out of watching the Super Bowl, clicked on Tubi, …
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Cringey Friendship Breakup Gets Roasted For HR-Esque Delivery

Why are so many young people suddenly talking like weird therapists? There have been countless memes throughout the past couple of years about how strange and unnatural «therapy talk» is transforming the way we speak to our friends. It seemed to all start with the mass misuse of the term «emotional labor.» Initially, this phrase …
Seguir leyendo Cringey Friendship Breakup Gets Roasted For HR-Esque Delivery

Things That Are Worse Than a Breakup, According to Twitter

Breakups can be one of the most painful things a person will ever experience. I, for one, can barely handle it. I seethe, I write insane emails, I cry for days. Eventually, I snap out of it, but wow. It’s certainly an arduous emotional journey. Though breakups destroy me, I have experienced worse. The dissolution …
Seguir leyendo Things That Are Worse Than a Breakup, According to Twitter