‘I think my son is embarrassed that I am a garbage man’: Heartbroken Dad asks Reddit for Parenting Advice

Doing what you love for work is a luxury. It’s taken me a long time to realize that. While I’d be a lot happier as a food critic, the reality is that we don’t just work for fun: we work to pay the bills, to provide a better life for ourselves and perhaps our families, …
Seguir leyendo ‘I think my son is embarrassed that I am a garbage man’: Heartbroken Dad asks Reddit for Parenting Advice

College Student Reveals Revolting Trash Pile Up In University Apartment

It’s an unfortunate reality that any place which hosts large numbers of eighteen to nineteen year olds is going to become very gross very quickly. It’s amazing what basic household skills people fail to learn when they leave home, and coupled with the freedoms that come from going to college, things can get nastier than …
Seguir leyendo College Student Reveals Revolting Trash Pile Up In University Apartment