26 Texting Memes to Inspire You to Become the Funniest Friend in the Group

Being able to be funny through text is something I always wanted to be. And I don’t mean text like the one you are currently reading right now, because I am absolutely hilarious at that, otherwise none of us would have been here right now. No, I am talking about being funny when I am …
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22 Funniest Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (July 2, 2023)

Greetings, ladies! We hope everyone is having a swell weekend, whether you’re partying it up, spending your days at the beach, or staying inside with a good read. Whatever you’re doing and whoever you’re doing it with – as long as it’s bringing you joy, helping you unwind and relax – that’s all that matters.  …
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22 Cringey Couple’s Memes for Co-dependent Partners in Crime (July 1, 2023)

If there’s one thing about modern dating it’s that people these days have 0 shame whatsoever. It seems that no matter where you go, you’ll find yourself surrounded by freshly budding love just yearning for an outlet for all those teenage hormones. It’s almost as if their one and only goal is to make everyone …
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24 Snappy Memes for Women Who Wear the Sassy Pants in the Relationship (June 30, 2023)

When life gives you a sassy personality – you don’t pout nor reminisce on the ‘what if’ but instead, you embrace it. You take that sass and make a nice blend of sizzle, spice, and everything nice. Now we don’t know about you ladies, but we honestly believe that the best type of girlfriends are …
Seguir leyendo 24 Snappy Memes for Women Who Wear the Sassy Pants in the Relationship (June 30, 2023)

22 Witty Matrimony Memes for the Married Soul (June 22, 2023)

If we’re being completely honest, matrimony is nowhere near what they painted it out to be in the fairytales. Don’t get us wrong, prince charming was definitely charming but happily ever after was definitely a lie. Hear us out – happily ever after made marriage out seem easy, breezy, and beautiful. And while it is …
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