25+ Flirting Memes for Professional DM-Sliders

Flirting is a delicate art. Back in the day, lovers would write poems, and sonnets, compose symphonies, and paint frescos to win the affection of another. Today, we send each other memes. And swipe up on Instagram stories. And say «U up?» I’m not saying we’re doomed as a culture, but I do think we …
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‘We’re in the end times’: People despair at Instagram infographic about ‘micro-flirting’ in relationships

I really thought we had gotten past the social media craze for overthinking romance, but I guess I was wrong. There are still plenty of intrepid engagement farmers making sure that none of us ever forget to have love on the brain in the most unnecessarily extra and unhinged of ways.  Just like anybody who …
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The Saddest Cringe Pics of the Week (December 13, 2023)

It’s no wonder that so much cringe content comes from the world of flirting. We all have been cringe while flirting at some point in our lives because it’s an inherently risky act. You express your romantic or sexual interest in someone with vibes and subtext and completely put the ball in their court to …
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The Cringiest Dating Encounters This Week (November 22, 2023)

Dating can be a little awkward because you can’t just expect the communication styles of two random people to fit together magically. I once went on a date with a girl who told me she usually dates «TikTokers and models.» I know that this was probably just her negging me, but that isn’t really the …
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Unpopular Opinions That Are Actually Unpopular

People claim to have «unpopular opinions» all the time, but just because you say an opinion is unpopular doesn’t make it so. One of my unpopular opinions is that, barring an actual emergency, people should not be more than 5 minutes late for anything. Most of y’all probably find that unreasonable, and it likely is, …
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Painful Times Clueless People Missed Obvious Hints From Flirty Women

If a teenager is dumb and/or insecure enough, it’s easy to completely miss even the most obvious flirting of all time. Hell, when I was a teenager, someone could have been literally proposing to me and I still would have been like, «hmm I wonder if they like me!» If you’ve ever experienced that excruciating …
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People Discuss How to Take Awkward Dating Rejection in Stride

Asking someone out takes the courage of a lion, and oftentimes, despite said courage, you get rejected. Approaching someone in real life is absolutely nerve-wracking…. You brace yourself for the worst. Either you get the, ‘I’m not interested’ line, which hurts way more than if they’d lie and say they were married. But hey, we …
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24 Snappy Memes for Women Who Wear the Sassy Pants in the Relationship (June 30, 2023)

When life gives you a sassy personality – you don’t pout nor reminisce on the ‘what if’ but instead, you embrace it. You take that sass and make a nice blend of sizzle, spice, and everything nice. Now we don’t know about you ladies, but we honestly believe that the best type of girlfriends are …
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Opportunistic Professional Tries to Use LinkedIn as Dating App, Sparks Mixed Reactions

For many women of a certain age, unexpected attention from men is a fact of life. Whether this is creepy, annoying, or flattering is dependent on many factors; there’s a huge difference between a catcall and a genuine compliment. Still, there is often a time and a place for that kind of thing. Most wouldn’t …
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Funny, Wacky, And Just Plain Bizarre Pick Up Lines That People Used on Dating Apps

First impressions are the cornerstone of dating. You can be as hot as humanly possible, and you still won’t get anywhere with somebody if you spend your time negging them or being rude (unless they’re into that). In this crowded field of single people desperate to get laid or feel loved, you can’t just work …
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