Dad threatens to kick out pregnant 22 year-old daughter-in-law for refusing to help clean: ‘She isn’t giving birth to Jesus’

I’d wager that a good majority of household disputes are spurred by the issue of cleaning. Someone isn’t cleaning enough, someone isn’t pitching in, someone’s work goes unappreciated, or someone microwaves fish in the middle of the night. Cleaning the house is a bigger job than it seems at first, especially if you’re sharing the …
Seguir leyendo Dad threatens to kick out pregnant 22 year-old daughter-in-law for refusing to help clean: ‘She isn’t giving birth to Jesus’

Pregnancy Memes For Expecting Mothers Who Need a Good Laugh

There really is no competition regarding the most iconic viral video of the 2010s. One of the funniest viral videos of all time was inspired by the brilliant minds at Yahoo Answers asking a seemingly simple question:   «Am I Pregant? Am I pragnent? Am i pargant? Am i gregnant? Am i pegnate?? Help!? Is there …
Seguir leyendo Pregnancy Memes For Expecting Mothers Who Need a Good Laugh

Bridezilla Forbids Her Pregnant Maid of Honor From Being Photographed at Her Wedding

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Reddit’s AITA posts, it’s that it doesn’t take a lot to make a lot of brides angry. The biggest taboos regarding weddings are actions that allegedly distract or take away from the bride. The two biggest wedding faux pas are wearing the wrong color dress (especially white) and …
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Woman Stuns Internet With Pregnancy Reveal in Sonography Class

I’m not a huge user of Facebook, and when I do go on it the algorithm goes into a frenzy trying to figure out how to capture my attention. Sometimes, I can’t scroll through the feed without being confronted with the obnoxious wackiness 5-Minute Crafts videos, then the next week it’ll all be cute animal …
Seguir leyendo Woman Stuns Internet With Pregnancy Reveal in Sonography Class