Weekly Nostalgia Memes For The Kids Who Don’t Wanna Leave The 90’s

Halloween is right around the corner, and some of us 90’s kids are flipping through the TV channels lowkey hoping to find ‘Sabrina The Teenage Witch’ and for the most part, disappointed that isn’t happening. At the same time, at least one of your siblings didn’t tape over it, because today we get to record …
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Everyone Says The Same Thing After Watching Woman Wash Beloved Childhood Toy

It’s normal to be sentimental about your favorite toy that you had growing up, and the amount of adults who keep their stuffed animals long after they grow up is more common than many might think.  As a result, it’s inevitable that some are going to end up worse for wear. However, rarely do they …
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Sincere & Heartfelt Messages From Obscene Usernames

Seeing a vulnerable and sentimental comment from someone calling themselves HugeBalls69 or FartyMcFartAss420 somehow makes the post feel even more wholesome. Reddit is unsurprisingly the sort of place where you see this juxtaposition in the wild all the time. There’s even a subreddit called r/rimjob_steve dedicated to documenting these hilarious moments of unlikely wholesomeness. Just …
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Heartbreaking Missing Connection Will Give You The Feels

Five years ago a Boston missed connection went viral. Not because it was funny. Not because of anyone famous. But because it was a beautifully written and gut-wrenching story of immense sadness, redemption, and magic. A Boston man penned the Craigslist advertisement in 2015, titling its lengthy contents «I met you in the rain on …
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Heartbreaking Missed Connection Will Give You The Feels

Five years ago a Boston missed connection went viral. Not because it was funny. Not because of anyone famous. But because it was a beautifully written and gut-wrenching story of immense sadness, redemption, and magic. A Boston man penned the Craigslist advertisement in 2015, titling its lengthy contents «I met you in the rain on …
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