25+ Wild Tweets From Users With No Filter

Famously, the internet can be a pretty wild place. When we give humans the chance to hide behind avatars and usernames, they will say anything. And they have. Since the very first tweet was twote, folks have been saying things they would never say to your face. And sure, most of the time that’s not …
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25+ Absurdly Out of Pocket Comments Found in the Wild

The comments section is the unsung hero of the internet. It’s what separates watching a YouTube video from watching regular TV. Sometimes if I’m watching something on Netflix I’ll get frustrated that I can’t scroll down and see what my fellow watchers are saying about it. Finding a comment that says what you were thinking… …
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25 Hilariously out of Pocket Comments From Around the Internet

Ah, the comments section. Simultaneously the playground and the trash heap of the internet. I will admit, I love looking at the comments on YouTube videos. They’re an insane mix of sincere, utter trolls, and Russian bots. A good comment, though, is the bread and butter of the internet. When someone can vocalize exactly what …
Seguir leyendo 25 Hilariously out of Pocket Comments From Around the Internet