25 Hilariously out of Pocket Comments From Around the Internet

Ah, the comments section. Simultaneously the playground and the trash heap of the internet. I will admit, I love looking at the comments on YouTube videos. They’re an insane mix of sincere, utter trolls, and Russian bots. A good comment, though, is the bread and butter of the internet. When someone can vocalize exactly what you’re thinking, or make a joke you would have never thought of, it’s satisfying as heck. The right comment can turn an okay post into a legendary one. 

I for one, rarely comment myself. I’m a pure lurker. It feels like crossing an invisible threshold I’m not sure I want to cross. I appreciate the folks that do dedicate their time to commenting, though, as it makes the net go ‘round. I wonder if I’ll ever become a person who regularly comments on strangers’ posts. The few times I have, it’s a rush of adrenaline. The commenters on these posts, from the Twitter account @insanepplYT, deserve gold medals. 

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