Melodious Music Memes for Musicians and the Musically Inclined

You know the kinds of people that I can never trust? The ones who don’t really enjoy music. Humans have been putting together rhythms and melodies since we still lived in caves, an you’re telling me that you aren’t moved by any song? Please. More understandable are the millions out there who couldn’t do without …
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Weird And Wild Music Notation That Brings The Unexpected

Sheet music can look more than a little scary to those who can’t read it — but believe it or not, contained within all those seemingly random squiggles are countless masterpieces. However, no good art is born without a sincere element of WTF in the mix, and a lot of music notation is no different. …
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Fifteen Band Memes For The Musicians Who Should Be Practicing

These memes are for the band geeks and orch dorks who really should be practicing right now instead of scrolling through memes. We just hope they make you feel a little more motivated to practice. Check out some more music memes here!