‘He looks SO Aussie’: American Traveler Goes Viral for Cutting a Mullet to Assimilate With His Australian Friends

To all of my 1980s survivors out there, prepare yourselves, because the hair trends that plagued our hallways and filled our sibling’s bathroom with Aquanet are getting popular again. Behold, the Mullet has returned.  Although there are certain things that are charming about a mullet–namely, the nonchalance of its wearer and inherently unserious associations–at the …
Seguir leyendo ‘He looks SO Aussie’: American Traveler Goes Viral for Cutting a Mullet to Assimilate With His Australian Friends

‘Having war flashbacks to 5th grade’: Millennial and Gen Z fashionistas freak out over the return of Y2K style at Urban Outfitters

What goes around most definitely comes around. Especially when it comes to fashion. I remember showing my mom a pair of acid-washed shorts and a neon pink tank top I wanted to wear to a birthday party in 8th grade and being confused when she responded with shock and horror. To me, it was trendy and fun. …
Seguir leyendo ‘Having war flashbacks to 5th grade’: Millennial and Gen Z fashionistas freak out over the return of Y2K style at Urban Outfitters

25+ Haircut Memes for Taking Just a Little off the Top

Getting a haircut is like making a deal with God. You put your life in someone else’s hands with the hope that you will be delivered back better, more whole. It’s one of the greatest risks we take as humans, because in the words of Fleabag, «Hair is everything. We wish it wasn’t so we could actually …
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Metal Memes for Dark Souls Who Wear Too Much Black

There are thousands of colors out there– crimson, violet, celadon, aquamarine, sage, coral, and orchid– but the only color in your closet is black. Although we have all the choices in the world on what to wear, some folks just gravitate toward the comfortable abyss of black clothing for a number of reasons. Your friends …
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20+ Emo Music Memes for Nostalgic Scene Kids and Emo Appreciators

Now, I was never a committed emo kid back in the good old days. I was a little bit too young to fully adopt the lifestyle, plus my mom would have never let it fly. I was more in the music appreciator sphere. I was very much into all the quintessential bands, My Chemical Romance …
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20 Sparkling Memes for Baddies Whose Bestie is Their Wingwoman

A wingman is someone who stands by a guys side and helps them pick up chicks at the club. Wingmen back up their homies but the ultimate goal, even if they go their separate ways at the bars, is to take home a nice juicy double. Since men are from Mars and women are from …
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Glow, Gloss, and Glitter: Girliest Girly Girl Memes of the Week (June 30, 2023)

We all have our fictional style icons that we look up to: Elle Woods, Blair Waldorf, and Carrie Bradshaw. What all of those baddies have in common is a big city life, big city paycheck, and time to kill in designer boutiques. Unfortunately for us regular folks, usually we’re stuck with 9-5 jobs, a bursting, …
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‘Harry Potter and the Chiseled Cheekbones’: AI generator combines the wizarding world with the high fashion stylings of Balenciaga

High fashion is a world unbeknownst to most. For us regular folk, it’s a confusing, dramatic, and usually outlandish world of extremely high cheekbones, sharp jawlines, and black latex. For one brand in particular, Balenciaga, it seems like their target demographic might be vampire hunters with their dark brooding looks that would make Blade or …
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A Series of Oddly Hair Raising Eyebrows

When it comes to defining the most important feature of the face, many people would argue that eyes take the top spot. They may well be the window to the soul, but I would argue that the things that sit right above them give them a run for their money. Eyebrows really frame the face. …
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Funniest Patagonia Memes for Finance Guys and Resident Doctors Who Must Have a Vest for Every Season

There was an announcement recently that the CEO of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, will be stepping down from his $3 billion dollar clothing company. Not only that, but from now on, Patagonia profits will be donated directly into efforts to stop climate change.    Score one for the Earth! But that doesn’t mean that every finance …
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